Sunday, 13 June 2010

Was helping sister with some chores and slept at fudging 5am in the morning.
I just woke up 40minutes ago.

Tomorrow there's dance and chinese dancers have to go back to school and it sucks.
Well well that's one saddening thing in my life.
If you include NDP training that would be two.
Not that I dislike NDP I only dislike that we have to train for 9hours and only let us go back at night.

By the way I think I am good at being happy.
I say that because I am always making crazy and weird jokes randomly and sing at random timing.
And I like to make a fool outta myself.
I like to talk to myself too.
When I am young I always talk to myself.
And I am a teen I still talk to myself.
I will be like thinking of what show to watch and start to compare the shows.

By the way I think the tickets that NDP will give the NDP participants is preview cause on that day they cannot give us all thousands of people each several tickets cause those people who never participate cannot go watch the show live.
Yeah that's why I think they will be giving us the preview tickets.

Might update more later. :)

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