Tuesday, 1 June 2010

This post is requested by Rachel.

I can has new blog songs! :D
Ohmigod can anyone please say Jesse McCartney is Hawt?! :D

By the way Paige Matthews Halliwell is damn hot.
Love her fashion sense to the max.
And her power is absolutely cool too. :)

Who need guys when you have everything in life cool and rocking to the max?
(But obviously if Chris Matthews Rider appear I don't mind picking him.)
My life is floating merrily. Okay weird phrase but who cares.
Okay. So now I suddenly want to analyze something fucking important.
Okay not really. But well it's still quite okay important.
Obviously not gonna blog about it. But seriously it is real hilarious/bitchy.
Well anyways will be going out with Rachel Hathaway tomorrow and woah am I excited or what?

Oh ya by the way if anyone need counseling come find me. I bet I'll make you jump off a building due to my lousy skills.
(this means do not find me to counsel you.)

I feel very bitchy today. :x.

Well guess what! I can be jealous some times but I have to say I am very happy with my current fabulous life.
Might not get good marks but I sure have really really happy days.
And I'm so happy I got 59marks yet I'm position 7! :D
So things are not as bad as it seems. :D

Anyone want me to write about how I feel about... Oh never mind I guess no one will be interested in my crap opinion.

GTG now bye bye! :D

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