Saturday, 5 June 2010

Paige Matthews Halliwell.

In search of goals in life.

Life would be utterly boring without dreams.
Even if it is an impossible dream, it is not wrong to dream.

I dream to soar.
I dream to have car.
I dream to have a big house.
I dream to be a lawyer.
I dream to be a famous celebrity.
I dream to be a dancer.
I dream to go poly.
I dream to have lots of make up.
I dream to have nice figure.
I dream to have nicer nose.
I dream to be a princess. Or maybe a queen.
I dream to be a heroine.
I dream to play random games that I love all day long.
I dream to be asleep forever.
I dream to be the main female lead.
I dream to be with God.

So many dreams, but some are impossible.
In life you cannot obtain everything you want.
But sometimes with what you have, you can be very happy.

I don't see why I have to be gloomy everyday, just because I cannot have everything.
Because at least I have something that everything in the world can't exchange for.
I might not have found that something yet, but I am very sure I will, on one fine day.

Life is so beautiful.
Believe God will create a path for you. The perfect path that you will walk with your beloved people.
Note that life is not perfect, but it gives us strength.

Dear Lord Jesus, I hope everyone I love can see how beautiful love is, and how strong humans can be. I wish everyone will see nothing is impossible. I want everyone to know You will be walking with them, no matter how hard things are, no matter how many obstacles ahead. Because You will not leave us alone. You will give us the strength to move on. Amen.

P.S.: Dear Lord Jesus, I wish I can find my library book the due date is nearing. >< I will improve to be a more responsible person. Amen.

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