Wednesday, 9 June 2010

I need to read more books because my english is getting worse.
I don't even know if I said that sentence correctly or not.
Actually I am slacking everyday watching Charmed.

Well at least I know the Source of all evil is dead.
And Phoebe divorced with Cole.
And Piper is pregnant.
And Paige is... The same.

I am going to read some book and then plan my schedule.
NDP is starting again. Fudge NDP.

Okay I am going to quit saying vulgarities.
But I am still gonna say fudge. :D

Time to do some homework.
Can I not do Miss Chng's first?
What other work do I have except for Miss Chng's?
Science? I suck at science.
English? Oh good I am going to do english cause it is book review.
OMG So happy today I'll only need to do book review thank God! :D

Ciao, gonna do some homework! :D

Angell. Peace out! I don't even know what that means. I am weird.

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