Monday, 7 June 2010

Waitin' fer my hair ta dry.
Even after my haircut few weeks/a month back my hair is still the same. Just shorter.
Okay it is nice at times, but seriously I think it is too curvy on top and straight at the bottom.
And I have no idea how to fix my hair.
When I still have long hair I just curl my hair and everything is fixed and everyday is good hair day.
Now that I have short hair everyday is bad hair day.
Plus I have fizzy hair so it's fudging hard to straighten it. :(
And I think I look weird with short curly hair. I haven't try it yet though.
So today I will try to curl it. :)
Hopefully it will turn out perfect. Or at least near perfect.

I need to borrow that book! It's so nice okay I am dying without books to read!
Have been constantly checking the National Library Board website for that book.
Expecting to fly. Last book of Cinnamon Girl.
Then after that I'll buy City of Bones.

I would love to buy Expecting to fly but I couldn't find it at popular.
I thought of going to Kino but I am just goo lazy to go all the way to Bugis alone.
I can but I wont cause I am too lazy.

I'll need to pay fines before I can borrow the book.
A bit upsetting huh? I need money.
Daddy come home quick and give me my allowance!
Why are you always only at home at 7/8pm?
I hate your workplace by the way. It's dirty.
Actually I don't know if it's dirty or not. I don't remember cause I only went there for like few times in my life when I was young.

Okay I feel very sad today. :(
Hates hates hates.
I wanna go borrow book now.

To borrow book and I love you God for letting the person who borrowed the book return the book earlier so I can read it. :D Love ya God to the maximum!

Fudging cold! Cold cold cold cold cold! Why is today's weather so damn cold!
I didn't even on air con loh, I only on the fan. And it is only medium.

So cold!

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