Saturday, 5 June 2010

I want to change another hairstyle. I hate my hair.
I want colored contacts. I just want it.
I want fairer skin. I am too tan.
I want smaller nose. I just want it.
I want eye shadow.Spice up the face.
I want blusher. I need to look more healthy I look too pale.
I want to be taller. Although I am quite happy with my current height but I still wanna be taller.
I want more clothes. Not slutty clothes tyvm. No offense by the way.
I want more shoes. Err mainly heels.
I want better grades. At least 65marks for all subjects for PPR2.
I want to be independent. Not that I am not just not enough.
I want to increase my knowledge.
I want to love dancing again.
I want to go gaga with my friends again.
I want to have fun once in a while.
I want new earpiece.
I want new school bag.
I want new wallet.
I want my that particular friend back.
I want my passion back.
I want to buy movies to watch with my sisters. Blood sister and my bunch of friends which I call them sisters.
I want back all my fears.
I want back my memories.
I want back my long hair. Okay maybe not.
I want that freaking ulcer gone. Bothered me for few days already.
I want my own room. Or at least I get to own my mom's room in the afternoon.
I want a Jesse McCartney poster.
I want a Show Luo poster.
I want more happiness.
I want my life back.

Crash and burn burn burn.
You are gone now. I just blown you off of my mind.
Wait I am not Piper I can't blow things up.
Ohmigod what do I do?

Okay just kidding I suddenly thought of what I would do if there is someone I hate that I wanna fucking get it out of my mind so I want go party.
Just a joke. Not funny? :/

It totally suck when people think that they know what you mean when you write something on twitter or facebook or on blog but actually that wasn't what you meant.
But then again, you won't have to tell the person what you really meant. :)

It's June already!
One more month to July and my sister's birthday is in July.
Yeah to birthday cake!
Boo to presents. She'll prolly ask me to buy her lipstick or something. :( Or foundation? Since hers sucks. Or worse, she ask me to buy her airplane tickets to go Taiwan so that she can go visit Show Luo?! I'm just kidding. :D

In about 2 or 3 weeks time I can celebrate again!
This time I will drag some of my sisters with me to celebrate.
But then who will be going is not confirmed.
If unfortunately NDP training crash with that date I have no idea what to do.

Well this will be decided on a nearer date.
But I think I will ask Rachel because I don't think Hui Yan wants to go and she can't either.
Carol cannot go out.
My sister also cannot ask she don't fit into category either.
My mom won't understand the point of the date so not gonna ask her.
Actually Rachel don't exactly fit into the category too but well it's okay cause her thinking fits.

This sounds real complicating doesn't it.


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