Sunday, 18 April 2010

What else can I say? :D

Hi ya'll bitches and bastards out there! :D

So today we went our to Sean's house to do project.
Cause Sean cannot come out so we go loh.
Clever me. :D

So Rachel, Derrick, Fiona, Jing Yuan and I took bus to Sean's house, then we were at the park.
Derrick and Sean were both skateboarding and playing around.
Then we went into the house.
Fiona went back after a while. :(

So we did the content page of the project, decorate the page and we went to play Wii.
Err we played Rock Band, but only Derrick and Sean playing.
The others were just sitting around and laughing at Derrick.

Sean went out of the room and Derrick started to play and Sean came back into the room he look at the screen and said,"Waa is this like Easy mode?"
We all laughed like mad.

Then we watch the movie Shutter we bought earlier.
Okay okay la the show. :)

Anyways, then after the show we played a bit of Wii and then went home. :)
And Sean's mom was really kind to bring us to AMK hub. :)
Then we went to Fair Price and we all chatted while walking around to get stuffs we want.

Then we went home after that. :D

Love today. Fun! Derrick and Sean made all of us laugh like crazy people.

Angell. :D

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