Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Please? I don't wanna go!

Morning I reach school at about 7.18am.

History was okay, copied all the notes.

Math Cheng Teng never come. We went to computer lab.

English we all got scolded cause we didn't do the cross word puzzle thing.

Dance was normal. Just plain boring.

Literature was the same.

Chinese I got send down to RTC.
Saw MJ there. LOL.

Shortly after that Sean came down. LOL.

Our case is DC. DC you know.
Sat at RTC until school end.
During that period of time we talk for a while then continue with work.
Was quite fun cause MJ was darn funny.

After that Sherlynn, Carol, Ming Jie and Derrick went to Sean's house.
Actually we wanted to do project. I thought Carol will know.
but she don't know.
So we did other work. I did a bit of math.
The others were... Playing with the dog.
I am scared of dogs so I didn't go near them.

actually wanted to watch My Sister's Keeper but Sean's television spoil.
Then Oliver came and Carol went home.
We played at the playground place then we went home.

Conclusion: His house is AWESOME.
Love the color, love everything. Except the messiness.
Honestly speaking, yes his house a bit messy.

I took some pictures. :)

The staircase.

The dog.
Kitchen part.

Lady(Left) and Tramp(Right).

Got one more dog but didn't take picture of it.
it's name is Pongo. It actually pronounce as 'Punggol'

Okay done blogging prepare to die tomorrow people. Cheng Teng'll come torture us.


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