Monday, 19 April 2010



Today I met Rachel and Jing Yuan at station then went to school.
Meet Sean then we all went to assembly area.

Lessons were boring as hell.
Good thing Sherlynn came for lessons cause Carol and MJ wasn't in school and I'm all alone.

Well then after school we all went to mac.
10 of us went to mac. So many people!
Rachel, Sean, Jing Yuan, Fiona, Derrick, Ian, Jun Liang, Tian Xin, Joey and me.
That's a lot of people.

Ian and Derrick were damn high when we're eating.
They keep dancing and singing. Others were laughing at them.

Then it starts to pour. Good thing we are inside mac, not outside.
The boys started to imitate how Fiona eat her food.
They were very bad but it was funny. ><

Went back to school, Rachel, Jing Yuan and Derrick stayed back and we chatted and sang song. :D

Then we went home. :D


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