Friday, 16 April 2010

What did you expect?

Heard this song at the Sports Carnival today. :)

I had fun today. :D

So I went to meet many people in the morning but only Sean, Rachel, Olive, Sherlynn and I went to stadium.

Then we wait for the carnival to start as we walked around and chit chat.
Then we started off with competing with 2T1. Then 2A2. Then I forgot.

After all the matches, we all chatted and fooled around, being crazy and stuff.

By the way, our class got first for cup staking and second for captain's basketball.

We all went to eat sushi and went to do project at Sean's place.
But a lot of 'mosquitoes' came to kpo.
So we went there and guess what, we did nothing again.
I think I do it myself la. For the whole group.
Actually we did a bit of the work. Some what.

then we played truth or dare.
after that we left and the others went mac, I went home. :D

Oh ya the pictures of the pond habitat's with Cheng Teng. :(
Sad, we need to get the pictures and put inside the folder.
So troublesome. But for marks!

Are you worth all these?

Angell :D

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