Saturday, 10 April 2010

Roses. Lilies. Tulips. Daisy.

Hey people. :D

Guess what, I went out with Sherlynn and Olive.
Suppose to go out with them only.
Then in the end Sherlynn and Olive saw Derrick, Hui Yan, Jia Qi, Linda, Jia Dong at arcade.
So we all went to Mac and eat.

After mac we all went separate ways.
Oliver, Sherlynn, Derrick and I went to hub, others when to I don't know where.

I went to buy my bag, Ming Jie came to find us.

I wasn't feeling happy this afternoon cause something happened yesterday night.
So they bought me a rose. A purple rose.
Okay la a rose is a bit petty but flowers aren't cheap okay!

then we went to Orchard.
spend some time there, walk around, etc etc.

then went to somerset 313 there.
Went to walk around and stuff.
Then Sherlynn and MJ over there playing.
then MJ throw his shoes at Sherlynn.
then Sherlynn and Olive take the shoes and run.
So MJ walked around without shoes for quite some time.

Derrick and I keep laughing at MJ.
In the end they return MJ his shoes.

Then we went to Bugis, bought badges and phone pouch and wallet. :D

I actually want to buy pencil case but I lazy walk and it's getting late already.
So we all went back home. :D

Sherlynn went to meet her mom, others went to take bus home.
We chatted on bus, then they alight at near Hub there.

Then I reach home. :D

Me and Ming Jie.

Me and Derrick.

This person acting like a statue.
Damn pro.

The shoeless Ming Jie.

Ming Jie.

MJ on elevator.

Shoe fight!

Derrick and MJ on train.

MJ and Derrick.

Having major headache now. Literally. Not mentally, physically.
Okay am gonna turn in soon.

Good nights sweet dreams sweethearts! :D

by the way I remembered we heard this song at hub few days ago and Jia Qi ask me to ask Sean to sing it to me.
I keep laughing and laughing. LOL.
Here's the song:

I like the song. :D

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