Saturday, 17 April 2010

Streetlights, people, living just to find emotions.

Went to Northpoint with sister today.
Ate at mac and then went up to the Japanese Foodcourt to do homework.
Did some math then I went to use computer.
Watched Peter Chao. Funny shit.

OMG I don't have the mood to blog anymore cause of some random shit.
Arse, forget it.

Chill, Angell! You shouldn't be pissed because of some random comment from a random shit.

Okay. And I bought flowers for my vase cause err my previous flower is dead.
I actually want tulip but it's too expensive so I bought yellow roses.
And do you know that if you buy your girlfriend/boyfriend yellow roses it means you wanna break up?
My sister told me one.
so never ever buy your bf/gf yellow roses. Unless you wanna break up with them.
I bought it cause it's nice.
Plus no harm buying for myself right. :D

and it's nice and bright.
Sort of brings live to my room. Okay maybe not.

Anyways, the flowers are really nice and they smell nice. :D
Just that it's a bit too short for people to notice. But no one will come my house and I won't allow them to cause my house is damn messy.
For now it's still neat la but in time will become messy.

Okay maybe it's A LITTLE messy.

Fine maybe some of the mess is made by me but hey I'll clean up for sure!
In a month's time that is.

Ya and I love to sing. Some what. But I cannot sing cause cough. Arsehole! :(

I am tired and sleepy. Goodnight.

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