Monday, 5 April 2010

Utterly boring.

My life is boring but I still love it. :)

After school we were to stay back cause we either did not do math or did not do chinese. Or both.
I didn't do chinese.
Then Ming Jie and I decided to guai lan Ye Zi.
I am supposed to be the good girl, why am I doing this man!
All MJ's fault, but then he's my twin, I guess I had to accompany him.
We were to surrender something to Ye Zi.
Royston go surrender POPULAR CARD.
Me and Sean surrender Cash Card. Both Cash Cards are Sean's.
We actually wanted to write all the words in Pan Yu Pin Yin one.
But not enough time.
Cause we going AMK for sushi.

Overall we keep playing in the classroom. Talking and all. :D

We were going to Hub for Sushi.

But in the end we went to mac.
After mac I went back home. :)

That's all. :D

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