Thursday, 15 April 2010

What are the rules?

Went to Yishun with Carol Hui Yan and Ming Jie.
Pictures below.

By the way was at Mac yesterday with Rachel, Ming Jie, Derrick, Shane, Sherlynn and Olive.
Then suddenly a wrapper came flying to Derrick and smacked right at his face.
then drop down the shoulder, then to the leg.
Then I looked closely, I realised it wasn't a wrapper.

Fuck! I'm just beside him some more!
Then me and Ming Jie ran away while shouting.
Shane said it looked like wrapper.
I agree. Fuck it's just beside me some more!

Pictures below. :D

Yellow Shirt- Carol.
Red Shirt- Me.
At the back- HuiYan.
Camera man- Ming Jie.
I'm on the left while Carol's on the right. :)

9.43pm I just found out Facebook is a very very very scary site.
Anyone can know what you did, what you commented, what you updated, which ingredient you bought/trade at Restaurant City and more.
Okay you guys won't have to know anything but you're interested can ask me but no guarantee I'll tell you what happened cause it's a bit private and I don't want some stranger to go around telling people. :D


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