Wednesday, 28 April 2010

My schedule is full. Too full.

I am too busy with school work.
Apparently the teachers are giving us too much work and I cannot complete them in time cause each teacher give 1 assignment, we will have 6 assignments per day.
Sounds like it's reasonable? Think again.

Let's say math we are to do one exercise per day.
about 7 questions.
Take about 3 minutes to complete one question.
7x3=21minutes to complete the whole exercise.

about 2 hours plus plus per day.
And NDP training and CCA.
Not enough time man.

That's not the point anyways.

I need to finish all my work, then my finish reading my book, then return them, then try to quickly finish watching Charmed, then go watch 90210, then read more books.

Wow I need to complete a lot of shit.


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