Friday, 1 October 2010

Do you guys think I should try out other blogging spots instead of blogger?

I am gonna treat blogging more seriously because I have no where else to dump my vents at.

So I just had my humanities test this morning and I guess I did okay. But I definitely need to study hard to get beautiful 'A's written on my result slip for end-of-year examination. After school I went to Yoshinoya with Linda and Carol and had lunch. After that I came home as I might be going out with mommy at 7pm. I cannot say today is a good day because my mind was occupied by something that had happened few days back and I still cannot get over it. Though I tried my hardest to get it off my mind by focusing on playing floor ball during pe, it did not leave me. Instead, I got so freaked out by that incident I almost cried on that spot.
I am really sorry that I seemed so moody during school and probably made my friends a little moody as well. I tried my best to stop worrying as it should be my imagination. Oh god I am going crazy.

There are no free meals given without having to pay consequences. I learned that the hard way. We all have to pay for want we want, using what we possesses like money when you are buying clothes, food or things we want. But sometimes we have to pay something greater than money. Something like happiness. We have to give up happiness for our own selfish acts at times. We may even end up hurting people we love. But when the harm is done, we can't do anything when we regret.

I wish I can blog more but I don't feel like it cause of this big thing that blew up my entire world.

Easier said than done.

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