Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Picture by psychicLexa from deviantART.

As usual, I went home right away after school.
Will be going out with mom and sister later on. For now I'll just spend my time away on the computer. No I am not going to do my work yet because I am very sleepy. :/

I guess I'm very emotional today. And it sucks. Big time.

I like knowing that I am good at something so I will not feel like a useless loser.
I am not creative, not clever, not beautiful, not kindhearted.
I am discontented, gloomy, sorrowful at times.
I try my best to be positive. It does work at times but when it doesn't, I will throw tantrum at people out of frustration.
I don't mean to, but I feel like I left my body when I am maddened.
Rage is my weakness.

Okay, let's talk about my future right now.

Next year I'll be a secondary 3 student and I am still deciding which subjects to choose.
History or Geography?
A math or POA?
I should just let nature take it's course.


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