Wednesday, 27 October 2010

30 days of reflection.

-Day 1, A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself.

Firstly, I saw this reflection challenge thing at and I don't think the owner will look at my blog at all but still I am bored and though I don't think anyone will care about what I blog so I blog everything and anything I want to. So here goes:

I just took this one hour ago.
I know, my specs looks very ugly. But I don't care I always look like this at home. Aiya no one cares lah. Just read the post and ignore the picture if you hate my face so much. And if you hate the post then don't come to this site. :)

Fact 1: I am pretty self-absorbed.
Fact 2: My screen protector for my phone is screwed up though I love my phone.
Fact 3: I like taking pictures but I don't have much chances.
Fact 4: I love my family.
Fact 5: I don't like this complicated world.
Fact 6: I am a big fan of Harry Potter the movie.
Fact 7: I am aware that I am not liked by many people.
Fact 8: I am lazy at times.
Fact 9: I believe that there is no prince charming in this world.
Fact 10: I am bad at accepting human flaw. Unless you are a good friend of mine.
Fact 11: I am a Christian.
Fact 12: I am short but I do not mind.
Fact 13: I like my room. When it is not messy.
Fact 14: I used to rely too much on friends and when they move away I fell and knock my head so hard I woke up.
Fact 15: I love all colors.

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