Thursday, 14 October 2010

Maths is boring. :/

I loved maths.
I stop loving it when I am secondary one.
Because I do not understand a single thing Ms Chng said.

Yeah my dad is AWESOME at maths.
And I inherited from my dad a lot, eyes, nose, mouth, height, character, almost everything.
Even laziness towards studies.
But thank god my mom came in and gave me a bit of interest for studies. Which kind of helped like, A LOT.

And by saying "Oh I love my parents so the very much!" is just not enough for my parents and myself.
I decided to prove it to them my love for them by achieving A1s, hopefully.

And I did a lot a lot of maths exercises, but still, I can't conquer math.
I sought help, but nope, I can't befriend math.


BTW, I changed number. Get my number through MSN or during recess or after school. :)

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