Wednesday, 26 May 2010

What a joke.

Got back results, not too bad. Not too good either.

I am needing God's strength.

I know God will never leave me alone.
God will only do things good for you, but no guarantee it won't be hurtful as you will learn better that way.

I believe God will chose your path for you, it is just your choice to listen or not.
He lives in your heart, talking to you always. It depends if you listen to Him or ignore Him.
God is not the bad guy. Satan is. God will not let his children be hurt. He will protect us all. I do believe it.
I believe there is a reason why I am going through all these.
I believe he will give me a perfect path to go. And I will try my very best to stay at peace and listen to Him. I know He will be here, right by me, taking me through all obstacles, guiding me through the mazes in life, and at the end of the mazes, I will meet Him, and he will bring me to Heaven, where He bless us with peace and love.
I believe Heaven is a beautiful place. A beautiful and peaceful place. A place filled with love from Jesus, love from everyone.
God asked us to forgive and forget as He forgave you for all your sins, so why can't you forgive others like hoe God forgave you? You can have tons of sins, but God washed them off. That is because he loves you. And He will not want to see His children hating each other, harming each other, and worse, killing each other.
Everyone share an equal right.

If only I can mediate. I can hear more from God. :(

Angell. I will try to forgive and forget.

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