Sunday, 2 May 2010

Because you live.

Isn't he hot?
Love the hair. :D

Back from Pasir Ris Park with Hui Yan and Jia Qi.

It was fun and all, we rented bikes and Jia Qi's bike look like it's for primary 3 kid one.
And she don't know how to ride a bike.
It's a miracle she didn't fall. :D

Well then we and Hui Yan was like riding bike and chatting.
Then we reach the end of the park.
We were like," Where is Jia Qi? Shit..."

Then we turn back and find.
We split up to find Jia Qi.
Then 2 ladies with 2 big dogs were in front, blocking my way.
Then I go ride on the grass. Then I effing fall down.
Not really fall, but I hurt my toe. :(

then the arse hole ladies laugh at me.
So when they go 'kick' them when they went off.
Fucking dogs.

Then I contact Hui Yan, she came to my rescue.
We saw Jia Qi when I got up. (I was sitting on the road)

Jia Qi slacked the whole time. LOL.

We spend lots of money on drinks by the way. :(

Then we went to play water.
We were thoroughly wet cause Jia Qi fell down in the water then she pull us into the water together.
Then we keep playing. Hahahas!

Okay then we went to dry ourselves up and went to play at the playground.
Hui Yan's parent came to pick us up then we went home. :D

Okay end of the day. :D

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