Saturday, 29 May 2010

It is so amazing how we have lives. How we can move, eat, talk, sleep, touch, feel, hate and love.
It is amazing because even though scientists found cell and bacteria living in our bodies, they still cannot explain how it got there, how it was made and how it knew what it should be doing.
This is where God come in.
God gave us freedom to move from places to place, eat from a wide range of choices, talk to interact, sleep when you are mentally and/or physically tired, touch to feel warmth, feel love and hate, know hate is not good and can be avoided just that people do not know how and know love is something everyone can obtain but do not know how.
By able to move around gives us the chance to interact with different people, but this might cause hatred to one or many people if they cannot interact well. But they might also be able to be acquaintance if they communicate well.
Able to eat is also able to feel how fortunate you are to be able to enjoy food. Pity and jealousy are also formed through this.
Able to communicate means we are able to love and hate.
Able to sleep so we can have plentiful of rest each and every day, but that means we have lesser time to do things we want. But if one is content with life, he will not mind not having enough time although life is very short.
Able to touch to feel temperature.
Able to feel emotions of a person is important in communicating.
It is a blessing to love. Someone who cannot love is just yet another 'living zombie'. I might be one living zombie, but I will find an antidote to cure this 'sickness', just not yet the time.
To hate is to love. Hating someone is the same as loving someone.
You hate that person, you curse them all the time. You love that person, you miss the person all the time. But by hating someone, it brings you sadness. Loving someone gives you hope.

I love God for giving me all these benefits in life, although I might not lead the most wonderful life, I still thank God for not giving me up. He believed in me. He believe that I will believe Him. He trust that I will trust Him.

By loving life, I am also loving God.
This is what I personally believe.

By the way, I dislike it when I meet people that I barely talk to, but I know them.
I don't know what to do. Do I say hi? Or ignore?
Or wait for them to say hi?
I am very anti-social. But who cares. At least I have God.
I mean, you don't really need friends when you have God.
But I choose to have friends though.
But a bit sad that my better friends are not Christians.
Expect for Ming Yee and Rachel.
I guess I only have 4 better friends.
Why do I have such few friends? Don't see a need to have few hundreds of friends when I have God and some true friends.
Friends are Angels that God send down to give you strength and hope.
Sometimes I think I am really special cause of my name Angel. But it's not really called Angel so maybe I am not that special. But in God's eyes EVERYONE is special.
Loving yourself gives God a smile each day.
Loving everything you have gives God strength to continue fighting Satan.
God will win. Because I believe in God and trust God.
God provide us with needs. It is us who want things. And God do not give us what we WANT because we can survive without it.
God do things for a good reason and I believe he will give us proper reasons for what he did.

I believe.

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