Saturday, 1 May 2010

I have to confess. I...



Yes. I hate them.
Okay whenever I eat ice cream I will feel nauseous.

Hey how about make this a confession post!

Okay. I confess, my rubber bands went missing without reasons.
I mean, I take it off, put it on the table and I never see it again.

Next I confess I like to sing but I have horrible voice.
Well I think I sound horrible.

I confess that I am easily irritated.

I mood swing alot.

I like to kick trees.

I really hate my family members sometimes.

I have a very close friend that is like a sister to me. Or rather I HAD a close friend that WAS like a sister to me.

I am not really a cheerful person inside.

I hate it when I cry in front of people. Fucking embarrassing.

I don't like to be at home early cause no one's at home until 7pm.

I love flowers.

I think my actions are really childish but my thinking is not.

I don't think I should say this, but I am sadistic. I like to see people being murdered/ tortured/ killed/ internal organs dug out/ bloody scenes. God forgive me. :(

I like horror movies and stories but I do not want them to happen to me.

I think girls with short hair are hideous. :X (Shorter than shoulder length is short.)

I hate it when people jump to conclusion.

I want to be a lawyer/ model/ photographer/ dancer/ singer/ accountant.

I like to talk to myself.

I think a lot about everything and anything everyday every moment every second.

English is my favorite language among Chinese Malay Tamil and English.

Would like to learn to speak in French.

I do not know how speak Hokkien even though I am Hokkien. Err rephrase my sentence.

I like the name Kahlan/ Kahlen.
I wish to change my FB name to Angeline Phoebe Halliwell but that would only confuse my relatives/ friends/ acquaintances.

I don't perspire much.

My hair don't stay at one place.

Inuyasha is my favorite anime.

Fated to love you is my favorite chinese drama.

Charmed is my favorite english drama.

I hate friend snatchers. I would love to slap them in the face.

I hate hypocrites. I mean, WHO DOESN'T?

I think some people are just NOT meant to be friends. They should be strangers. Or not they can only be enemies. OH I KNOW MANY OF THESE PEOPLE.

I like being praised. Well who doesn't like it.

Hate it when people vent anger on me. Fuck yourself.

I love show/ movies/ short clips that are touching and make me weep.

Sometimes I have the urge to run into the road and let a car drive pass me just to see how people will react when I am dead/ unconscious.

I really really hate cheap women.

I confess that I was so tired I didn't realise I was reading a book upside down.
(I wasn't focusing.)

I think my close friends are really super women and men cause they can tolerate my self-centeredness and ridiculousness.

I hate people who deliberately destroy others' friendship by making up stories. Fuck yourself if you're so bored.

I confess that I am not a healthy person cause I am always eating mac and instant noodles.

I have this feeling that I lack blood. ><>

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