Friday, 3 September 2010

I watched movie yesterday. :)

I think sometimes watching movies are great because they spice up my life and it won't be dull and boring.

My life is just facebook, facebook, and more facebook.

Life is just boring recently, and I kind of like it too.
I mean, wouldn't it suck if they are tons of arguments and tons of shit.
Who cares, I am going to enjoy being bored.

I shouldn't get pissed or upset because of anyone, because then I'll be stepping on the trap they laid. And that would be stupid.

Even when I am sad, I'll pretend to be happy until I am happy.
And that won't affect others to be upset, and I can feel better at the same time.

I should try out photography one day.

I like to try out new things once in a while.
Maybe I should try gardening too!
Alright maybe not. Ants and spiders are disgusting.

Close your eyes, listen to the wind, feel the warmth.

This may seem weird, but I wish I will land in a class with no one that I know of next year.
So that I can start over again, and concentrate more during class, instead of chatting with classmates and friends every lesson.

我喜欢简简单单的生活, 简简单单的, 多好啊...

Alright, I'm going off with my mom now, goodbye!

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