Tuesday, 23 November 2010

HAI. I am Angeline and I love my sister's prom dress.

I couldn't take a nice picture of it because I am a lousy photographer. I have no talent.

I on my computer few moments ago and it is 7.33pm now.

Nothing much happened and hopefully nothing bad will happen during the whole of december holiday.

Guess what? I have new FB profile picture!
Credits to Fiona for taking the picture and adding effects to the picture!

I went to dance today and it was raining and I did not bring an umbrella so I ended up being soaked during dance class and I am so glad to have a nice warm bath when I reach home. After I was out of the shower, mom bought me rice and it was scrumptious. Thanks, ma! Then I stayed in moma's room and listen while she sing. She just went out a while ago. Dad's watching tv and laughing. Pretty nice!

Putting in effort to reach success.

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