Thursday, 25 November 2010

I will never be alone because God is here.

I didn't go to dance practice today because my back is hurting like... Crap.
I'm actually very scared that it might snap. So I will be resting for now. And I am just a reserve so I don't think I matter much in the dance.
Prolly need to get MC to prove but I have no idea how to get one for backache.
I will practice a little at home so I won't be the only one that doesn't know how to dance the steps.
I really am old.

Year 2010 will soon be history and I learn a lot in this year, and hopefully next year I will be more sensible and make better choices.

Turn up for all church services because when everybody doubts you, bullies you, give up on you, despise you, God always believe in you, care for you, not giving up on you and love you.

Study daily, and I know many people will not believe I would, but I will prove to them I can study hard and get good grades. I want everybody that bet I will not do well next year wrong, and to do my parents and God proud.

Make a schedule and stick to it.

Love my enemies, love people that stayed even when I made wrong choices and was despised by almost everyone more.

Studies are more important than recreations.

Putting everything behind studies, family and, most importantly, God.

Learn to appreciate people and things that I have more.

The list goes on and on. Too much to list.
I have a lot to do today. Hopefully I will complete it all in time.

I will never be alone because God is here.

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