Friday, 23 July 2010

I just want to know that you are here.

Maybe I should follow the rules so much.
I should be free to fly, free to dream.
I shouldn't stay and be a statue, and never being able to see the world.
I should spend everyday with happiness.
Be it alone, or with peers.
Because even when I am alone, I know God is by my side, enjoying beautiful places with me.

I won't be able to contact you yet I do not know.
Why didn't you tell me?
What is wrong with you?
I am also a friend, you know.
Gosh you sure are an ass.

I need to spend more time with my friends, instead of rotting at home using computer.

I realise there is a change in the way I blog.
Previously my aim is to bring laughter.
Now I guess I am just expressing my feelings.
I don't really know, but it feels kinda good.

Don't speak a word. I don't wish to hear anything. I just want to stay here, and stop time so I get more time to remember your face.

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