Tuesday, 6 July 2010

I didn't believe in love.
But I saw this real cute couple.
They met through Facebook, and after sometime they started to webcam each other.
And got together in the end.
Honestly, I think this type of love will not last.
But before I know they met through Facebook, I thought they were so sweet I'd have died from drowning in honey.
They seemed so in love.
They meant every i love you' and every 'i miss you'.
I am starting to realize, love is not as weak as I thought.
It can overcome distance.
It can overcome hatred.
It can overcome your weaknesses.
It can overcome your fears.
It can overcome your pain.
It can overcome everything.

I have not find my half apple yet.
But that doesn't mean I won't stop looking.
True love cannot be convicted.
Love comes naturally. You can't force it to happen.

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