Sunday, 4 July 2010

Actually, I don't really care that much.
I don't even know why I should.
Somehow or another, I feel that I am actually all alone.
And I am supposed to be alone.
Because of me being selfish, I made everyone in my life suffer.
Without me everyone's life will be much better.

I don't think I can ever tell anyone my darkest secret.
Because I dont want to trust anyone at all.
I'll just end up betrayed, alone and bitter.

Some people look like they've got the best things in life.
But honestly, it's not important.
Happiness is the best thing in life.
Do you have happiness?
Are you satisfied?

I wonder, what do I really want in my life?
Do I want money?
Do I want beauty?
Do I want to be smart?
What do I really want?
What should I have to be happy?

I know I dislike her. But how can I make you understand, that this is not what life is, when I myself can't stay on the path?
I feel so useless.

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