Sunday, 8 August 2010

Ever imagined a hot guy who is your boyfriend and does romantic stuffs for you?
Hell yes I did.

And I know this guy doesn't exist.
Even though I wish he does.

I may have given up on love for several times, or think that love doesn't last or what so ever.
But I know there is love. I just need faith.
Still I decided to not wait anymore.
I just do not have the time to. Not that I don't believe love.
I think I have other things waiting for me. And they aren't going to wait for long.
I need to reach for it before it's too late.
And I might have missed my chance to getting true love long time ago, or maybe my Mr Right still haven't come yet.
But it does not matter now.

So these few days I have been busy with my sickness.
I guess I haven't been taking care of my health recently so I have to now cause tomorrow's NDP already and I should be proud of it.
To be able to take part.
To be able to shine.

Heck yes I am beautiful inside out.

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