
Friday, 3 December 2010

I love Sam Tsui!

Haven't blogged since I don't know when.
9 more days to my birthday! Not very excited but I am happy I'll be older and wiser and better than right now.
Actually there is no guarantee I'll be an improved Angeline but it's a promise I'll try my best.

My sister have a job, finally!
It's nearby our house, and the pay is great. She's enjoying her time at work too, thank God!
I when there yesterday night and her colleagues are so kind and nice! I fetched her home at 10.30pm. She was supposed to go at 8.30pm but then one of her colleague was sick so she had to work overtime to help.
So she told me about funny things that happened yesterday when she was working while we walk home, it seemed so fun! Maybe after my o levels I'll go work there too! Provided they are hiring.

She left for work at roughly 1pm today.
And I am using her computer. Hehe.

Holiday= me bankrupt.

We take risks every single day.
When we go out, we risk getting kidnapped, robbed and so much more.
When we make new friends, we risk getting betrayed.
But we trust, and take risks. Because life would be boring and meaningless if you don't go out there and get hurt. You won't appreciate happiness.


I'm sorry, God. For disappointing you, again and again.

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

I'm sad because I disobeyed God. I procrastinated.

I just, really want my dream to come true.
Amount of energy I have for wanting to complete my dream can run around the whole Earth.
I tried everything but there are so many obstacles.
I prolly didn't try hard enough.
I prolly am too slow.
I need to keep praying. Hopefully God can feel my sincerity.


Monday, 29 November 2010


I went to the used textbook program today.
I feel very satisfied for helping people out today and helping myself too.
Reached home at approximately 3pm as it was raining heavily and had lunch/dinner after a nice bathe.

I feel guilty. But I know my situation and I sort of need it.
I mean, it is his fault but I do not want him to be punished.
I don't know, maybe I am a bad person.

Toodles people!

Thursday, 25 November 2010

I will never be alone because God is here.

I didn't go to dance practice today because my back is hurting like... Crap.
I'm actually very scared that it might snap. So I will be resting for now. And I am just a reserve so I don't think I matter much in the dance.
Prolly need to get MC to prove but I have no idea how to get one for backache.
I will practice a little at home so I won't be the only one that doesn't know how to dance the steps.
I really am old.

Year 2010 will soon be history and I learn a lot in this year, and hopefully next year I will be more sensible and make better choices.

Turn up for all church services because when everybody doubts you, bullies you, give up on you, despise you, God always believe in you, care for you, not giving up on you and love you.

Study daily, and I know many people will not believe I would, but I will prove to them I can study hard and get good grades. I want everybody that bet I will not do well next year wrong, and to do my parents and God proud.

Make a schedule and stick to it.

Love my enemies, love people that stayed even when I made wrong choices and was despised by almost everyone more.

Studies are more important than recreations.

Putting everything behind studies, family and, most importantly, God.

Learn to appreciate people and things that I have more.

The list goes on and on. Too much to list.
I have a lot to do today. Hopefully I will complete it all in time.

I will never be alone because God is here.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

HAI. I am Angeline and I love my sister's prom dress.

I couldn't take a nice picture of it because I am a lousy photographer. I have no talent.

I on my computer few moments ago and it is 7.33pm now.

Nothing much happened and hopefully nothing bad will happen during the whole of december holiday.

Guess what? I have new FB profile picture!
Credits to Fiona for taking the picture and adding effects to the picture!

I went to dance today and it was raining and I did not bring an umbrella so I ended up being soaked during dance class and I am so glad to have a nice warm bath when I reach home. After I was out of the shower, mom bought me rice and it was scrumptious. Thanks, ma! Then I stayed in moma's room and listen while she sing. She just went out a while ago. Dad's watching tv and laughing. Pretty nice!

Putting in effort to reach success.

Sunday, 21 November 2010

I'm not sure about life, about love, about you.

Hey y'all!
I went to Northpoint and bought 2 new shirts and a necklace from Cotton On. :)

I'll be having dance practice on tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday. What kind of holiday is this.
We are training for SYF and I think everybody will be involved.
Also, we are training for Secondary 1 orientation to attract more students to join Chinese Dance. Only some people are involved and I am extremely glad I was not chosen because I rather sit around and look at them practice. :X
I actually suck at dancing so most of the time I am not chosen.

I really don't like it when people are negative and upset. I know I have been put in those situations when you really don't feel like living anymore and you feel useless and a burden. I get it when you find "burden shared is burden halved" bullshit and that it should actually be "burden shared is burden doubled" due to loads of reasons. But life is so short and it's such a waste for being upset and suicidal over stupid people and problems. I've only lived around a quarter or less of my life and I'll still have more problems coming my way. So cheer up and say "fudge you to agony" and be happy.

I'm feeling happy today. It was raining just now but that's okay. I am more careless nowadays so I'll have to be more cautious. So overall it's a beautiful day today. :)